Saturday, 14 April 2012

looking at pictures from ten years ago

visual diary ten years ago

I think of my photographs as making a visual diary which tells me where I was and who I was with as time goes by. I decide to look back ten years. What was I doing in april 2002? Let’s have a look .. ..

·         on the 4th I was in Brighton. I took some photos in the city centre. Looked at the Royal Pavilion. From the outside and in this particular light it looked as though cast in concrete. Then the famous Brighton beach. Speckled with visitors even though getting on for tea time. Talking of which, I wanted a cup of tea. No chance. It was closing time for the tea rooms. In the evening I was the visiting speaker for the local Pagans. I guess it was Francis Barrett, the Magus of Marylebone

·         15th at Sainsbury’s on the ring road and a photo as I emerged from the car wash

·         16th in Oxford’s city centre

·         17th picked up Amy and then to Avebury, the stones, the village, the churchyard, the church

·         22nd Dennis Pratley in his barber’s shop cut my hair and trimmed my beard

·         23rd to that part of North Oxford known as Summertown where I sat outside the Dew Drop Inn, drank a beer and played with memories of someone I’d met there long ago

·         24th out to the Baldons on the trail of a local section of the great Michael Line which has interesting nodes and leylines within easy driving distance

·         25th to the Oxford Union and then on to Rewley House where I demonstrated for the course building a mail order database with Access and Visual Basic

·         and on the 27th a Pagan handfasting at Avebury. Caroline Marion Amy Charlie Uffer and Jan were all there.

I have just two candidates for ‘my photo of the month’. Presently I’ll choose one and post it separately.

francis cameron, oxford, 14 april 2012

Posted via email from franciscameron's posterous

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