Friday, 13 April 2012

back to visit ‘my’ bodhisattva again


It’s quite incredible. No it’s not really unbelievable. I know better than that. It’s really and truly quite credible. Even to be expected. If you are sensitive you just tune in. She’s there. Waiting.


I stand eight or ten feet away from her image. There were centuries of devotion before she was taken from her temple. Centuries when she absorbed the concentrated energy directed at her. Now it’s there. Just waiting – begging, almost – for believers to come and make contact.


The magnetic link is powerful. As powerful as you want. Here is a fountain of rejuvenation. A place of refreshment.


And the more you take in, the more there is for the taking.


francis cameron, oxford, 13 april 2012


Posted via email from franciscameron's posterous

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