Sunday 17 June 2012

visiting the likeness

every now and then I go to visit the likeness of the bodhisattva. she, for I feel I am in the presence of a ‘she’, sits patiently there, as she has done for so many ages. when I first saw her, I felt at once the power, the energy still latent from within the likeness. the power built up from the accumulated devotions of those who had stood before her over the years and made psychic contact. thoughtwaves of intensity linking the mortal to the immortal who had returned.

on my first visit I felt the presence of those many from the past, urging me to tune in and make my own psychic contact. a moment of intense intimacy between the bodhisattva and myself. later on, it was as though each time I made a pilgrimage to be with her again, to be part of her peace solace and strength. with each visit the contact was stronger, more insistent. when I was with her a few days ago, I felt this reservoir of psychic energy now extending over a greater distance. tangible even as her likeness came into my sight.

I stood and smiled to myself. it remains infallible. the more we consciously make use of latent psychic energy, the more energy there is there at our disposal.

francis cameron, oxford, 17 june 2012

Posted via email from franciscameron's posterous

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