Thursday, 23 February 2012

dawkins and williams at the sheldonian today

dawkins and williams at the sheldonian today

Here’s how it looked to me.

Dawkins tended to dominate the proceedings. He interjects with his own established formulations even when someone else has been asked for a comment and is considering their reply. On the other hand, our Archbishop seems hesitant to express himself convincingly enough to match the assurance of the scientist.

Dawkins has his parameters, boundaries beyond which appear to be only imponderables and irrelevancies outside his dedicated orbit. Williams stands on different premises. His territory includes the metaphysical, a realm with its own valid realities. Not always expressible in terms comprehensible by other disciplines.

Science deals with hypotheses and theories. Temporary certainties subject to scrutiny and revision. Religion is cast in a separate mould. It deals with eternal certainties, aspects of which may vary according to the viewpoint from which they are approached.

francis cameron, oxford, 23 february 2012

Posted via email from franciscameron's posterous

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