Here is the news from London at 1310
Top story tonight is a shakeup in the Royal Household. The barons have taken matters into their own hands and appointed 12 peers as Lords Ordainers to control the country until the King reaches his maturity. A man at the centre of the dispute has been named as Piers Gaveston. He is alleged to be in a too-close relationship with the king and to have overmuch influence at court.
Now here is some of the rest of the news ..
:: Shock has been expressed throughout the world of chivalry at the sudden action of the French King Philip IV who has abolished the internationally renowned Order of Knights Templar and seized their funds. This brings to an end two centuries of service freely given by the noble order.
:: From our Chief Social Correspondent in Italy comes the news of the birth out of wedlock of Giovanni Boccaccio. It is said that even in thousands of year’s time he will be known as the author of the Decameron, a collection of stories told to amuse and entertain each other by a group of young people temporarily self-exiled in the country to avoid the plague in the city.
:: There’s been more trouble with Robert the Bruce in Scotland. At Bannockburn, forces commanded by King Edward II have been forced to withdraw, leaving Scotland in what amounts to a state of de facto independence.
:: And in France there is now a new king. He’s been crowned as Louis X but he’s alleged to be also known as Louis the Quarrelsome.
:: In Avignon the new Pope is to be remembered as John XX. He is said to condemn the self-indulgence of modern liturgical music. Others allege he is living too grand a lifestyle in the papal palace. There’s more than a hint of heresy in the air.
:: The French monarchy is simplifying its rules of succession by adopting the Salic Law. The effect of this will be to ensure future heirs to the throne will all be males.
The next news from London is scheduled for 1320.
francis cameron. oxford, 01 september 2014
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