Tuesday 9 February 2010

reviving connections

It's so good when a familiar face not seen for thirty years shows up on the screen courtesy of the owner of the face and the proprietors of the social networking site. Some distant memories are so keen they are as poignant as yesterday. Pictures of activities flood in and overlap like the contents of one of those old fashioned 'what the butler saw' machines on a seaside pier. Then there's a quite tangible feeling to the encounter as though the actual real person is sharing the same seat - except we are both young again and if we went back all the places would be changed but the memories would be untarnished and time could wing her chariot wherever we wished it to be. Memories. Life is rich. Glittering with jewels in a cave with the surf roaring and booming outside. O temps suspend ton vol / et vous, vos heures propices / suspendez votre cours - a niente ..

Posted via email from franciscameron's posterous

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